In this Pepsi commercial, things do not seem to
be very successful for English soccer player David Beckham.
Watch the videoclip above and type your
personal comments. You must describe what is happening in the video (what the
people are doing, where they are, etc). At the bottom, a bilingual glossary
will help you cope with this activity.
- TV commercial: a commercially sponsored ad on television (aviso o comercial de televisión); features: displays (presenta a un actor en un film);
- soccer player: an athlete who plays soccer (jugador de fútbol);
- to send off: to send away (expulsar del campo de juego);
- pitch: playing field (campo de juego, cancha);
- changing rooms: the rooms where players change their clothes (vestuarios, cambiadores);
- can: airtight sealed metal container for food or drink (lata);
- sending-off: send-off, expulsion (expulsión);
- rather disappointed: somewhat frustrated (algo desilusionado);
- turns up: appears (aparece);
- drinks it up: drinks to the last drop, drains the can (bebe hasta la última gota);
- soccer shirt: soccer jersey (camiseta de fútbol);
- souvenir: trophy, something of sentimental value (trofeo, recuerdo);
- takes off: removes clothes (se quita la ropa, se desviste);
- willingly: in a willing manner (de buena gana);
- hands it to: gives it to (la entrega);
- wipes away: cleans (limpia);
- can rim: top edge of a can (borde de una lata);
- reads: has or contains a certain wording (dice, está inscripto);
- rival team: competitor team, contestant, the contestant you hope to defeat (contrincante).